produced on my trip to Cuba and afterwards
From top left - Sunset, pastel and water.
Beach trees - pastel over acrylic. Beach path -
pastel over acrylic. Cats - acrylic ink & pastels
Centre left - Cuban beach - pastel over acrylic.
Hotel Amigo - watercolour.
Bottom left - palm on beack, pastel over acrylic.
Fishing boats - watercolour. Old fishing boats -
water & pastels. Old boat in mangroves - watercolour
Top left 22" x 30" - Pastel on hot pressed
, top right 22" x 30" - Watercolour ,
centre left 22" x 30" - water & pastel ,
- centre 22" x 30" - watercolour , centre
right 22" x 30" - watercolour -
bottom left - pastel on Ingres paper ,
- bottom right 29" x 40 " pastel over acrylic ground
-- all works are double mounted and cellophaned.